Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dreamy McDreamerson

I am attempting to gently wake Rocco up from his nap.

Me: What did you dream about?
Rocco: Soccer. It was my birthday.
Me: How old were you?
Rocco: Standing up.
Me: That's not an answer for how old you are.
Rocco: Standing up thirty.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Dreamy Man

The following is why I have trouble leaving for work in the morning. Some adorable sleepy banter from my bed-mate.

Rocco: Molds.
Me: Molds?
Rocco: Of trees. You know - tree molds.

* * * * * *

Rocco: There's a suitcase floating in the hot tub with a sock in it. There's no foot in it, so it's okay.

* * * * * *

Rocco: You see the bunny? There are three of them!