Thursday, July 7, 2011

When Your Dreams Don't Make Sense to the Conscious Person Beside You

Rocco: Mr. Bean...he's soooo cute.
Me: What?? Mr. Bean?...Like the character?...
Rocco: The royal couple adopted him.
Me: Mr. Bean...a dog?
Rocco, smiling now: Soooooooooooo cute.

Rocco: Did you look?
Me: At what?
Rocco: What everyone else was looking at?
Me: What are you talking about?
Rocco: The purple box.
Me: What's in it?
Rocco: Stuff you want.
Me: Anything you want?
Rocco, exasperated: You know! Stuff you want!
Me: Like what?
Rocco: For people to stop.
Me: Stop what?
Rocco: What you just said.

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds Smoking Weed

"Oh! I have one for me and the dog...and you have one for you and the's one each!"

-- Rocco and myself, after five minutes of half-baked calculating what was essentially four divided by four.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Eating Habits

Rocco: "I have 5-year old taste buds and a 40 year old stomach."

--regretting his chocolate milk-and-ice-cream choices.

Giggles N' Sleep

Rocco is laughing in his sleep. I ask him what's so funny...

Rocco: "I'm farting around the room like a balloon!"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Modern Technology

Rocco: There's a lot of stupid going on.

--About iPhone apps that don't live up to his standards.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lost in the Supermarket

We're looking at ready-made chicken in the supermarket.

Me: I tried that when you were abroad.
Rocco (without missing a beat): I was never a broad. I was born A MAN.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

1/2 Sleep

Sleepy Rocco stirs after I roll over in bed...

Rocco: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, everything's fine.
Rocco: Am I okay?


Rocco, half-asleep and pawing at me in the dark.

Rocco: What is it?
Me: That's me.